Sunday, October 14, 2012

9/14/2012 - Michael F continues to amaze!

Another day, another mailing list to which he has subscribed me.  So I signed up for Vote Barak Obama with his e-mail and phone number.  Yep, turn about is fair play.

From: Karen Schoen 
Date: Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 4:48 PM

NEWSLETTER  ::  October 8, 2012

Table of Contents
Article: UN Day Alert

Article: Special Announcement..
Dick Morris, Eileen Mc Gann, Victoria Jackson, Dr Michael Coffman and Charlotte Iserbyt are AgEnders

Article:  Florida Property Rights Bill

Article: Communism 101-Divide and Conquer in Florida

Article: Are Floridians selling their children to the Communist Chinese?

Article:VOTE NO on all amendments except 1 and 5.

Contact Us
The AgEnders
PO Box 681
Shady Grove, FL 32357

Thanks To:
Karen Schoen
Bob Root
Stephen Hunter
Rita Holt
Deb caso
Tony Caso
Neil Rice
Diane Kepus
Victoria Baer
Karen Bracken
Cindy Lucas
Debbie Gunnoe
and all of the AgEnders

AgEnders are Americans dedicated to ending
Agenda 21 through
Truth, Education, Conversation and Action


Join the Rally in Tally on
October 20, 2012

Get the UN out of the
US and Florida


For More Information:
Join the AgEnders weekly call
Conference Call
Connect with AgEnders nationwide.
Join our weekly Wednesday night conference call:
9:30 PM EST, 8:30PM CST, 7:30PM MST, 6:30 PM PST
Conference room: 8882070001
ID: 337527153
Put your number in the slot you will be called back or dial 
and enter the numbers above.
Radio Shows:
Host: Karen Schoen
3-4 PM EST, 2-3 PM CST,
1-2 PM MST, 12-1 PM PST
Alex Snicker & Adrian Wyilie
Friday from 9-11am EST
STUDIO CALL-IN LINE: 1-866-826-1340
Sally Baptiste
M and T, 7-9PM, EST
                                        Ken Walsh and Andi Newcomb
M-F, 6-9 AM CST
24/7 education.

Oct 16 The History Channel will start a new series called:
The Men Who Built America.

It should be called the criminal cartel who destroyed America.

Listen to the key words like monopoly, Federal Reserve, Fiat money. See Iron Mountain first.

Then you will understand the criminal cartel behind the UN and Agenda 21.

See Atlas Shrugged II
Even if you missed part I, you will get it. Take your family and then discuss the movie.

George Orwell was a Fabian Socialist until he realize what they were about. He tried to warn Americans about their 100 year plan which we see in place today. See 1984 with your group and family. then discuss it.
We are not far away between smart meters, red light cameras, tracking devices in cars, technology in schools, RFID chips, not far at all. 

The AgEnders needs volunteers for research, social media.
Please help..

We are also interviewing for a WEB designer. Contact us at:

Urgent...UN Day Alert!

Regardless of whether you think you understand what is happening in American, you
MUST SEE This VIDEO: Iron Mountain, Blueprint for Tyranny

or read an excerpt from G Edward Griffin found on home page

President Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November, 1963 ten days after he made a speech to Columbia University on Nov 12, 1963 stating, "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight."
JFK knew of Iron Mountain

We highly recommend a movie night.

The UN is asking Governors in all 50 states to celebrate UN DAY on Oct. 24.  We have gotten emails from AgEnders all over the US in which their City Council/County Commission/Governor are asked and are going to participate.  One member told me they want to FLY THE UN FLAG. 

The AgEnders are having a Freedom from UN Day Rally all around American on October 20. In Florida the Rally is in Tallahassee from 11-3PM EST. We know how busy everyone is and we know that many rallies are happening that day so we ask you to please:
  • send representation from your group with a sign that states:  Your Group representing_____Americans want FREEDOM from the UN.
  • If you go to a rally then hold a sign that says Your Group representing_____Americans want FREEDOM from the UN.
Obama wants US tax dollars to support the UN...  read more
Thsis is called redistribution of wealth from you pocket into the pockets of billionaires.  Where is the $2Billion for Haiti?

This Rally will have media coverage. Yes, the crew from our very own on
will film the event.
Andi Newcomb from the Ken Walsh show on AM will conduct interviews. 

Need a carpool? Contact us at

Special Announcement....New AgEnders
Dick Morris, Eileen Mc Gann:
Dick has offered all AgEnders a special price for his new book,
Here come the Black Helicopters, a must read, see below.

Victoria Jackson: formerly from SNL, now from

Dr Micahel Coffman:
Created the death Map that stopped Agenda 21 from Senate Ratification.  Author of Plundered, a must read, see below.

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt: Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

These books are must read....
Special pricing for these items are found only in the agenda21today/store

Communism 101...Divide and Conquer
Palm Beach, Fla. (CBS TAMPA) – The Florida State Board of Education passed a plan that sets goals for students in math and reading based upon their race... Where are the parents?

Once again the century long failure of these idiot education change agents with all their fancy, unproven education methods, etc., has come back to bite them, but most of all to bite the American blacks. This is very serious. What an admission of failure. Now they can "use" the American blacks one more time for their own nefarious purposes!                             read more

Are Floridian's that stupid????
VOTE NO for ALL amendments except 1 and 5 otherwise where is where your money will go.
There is little or no oversight in Tallahassee.
#8 very dangerous, no definition of religion. Communists are atheists and others are Buddhist.


Is money that important that we must now sell our children to the Communist Chinese? Call Gov Scott.
Charter schools are fascist.  You public tax dollars got to private schools for profit. what do you get??? Absolutely NOTHING.

Communist Chinese funding Florida charter schools
By Meisha Perrin
  Investment money is pouring into Florida from wealthy Chinese who find that Florida has exactly what they are looking for — and what they need to secure US green cards.
Communist Chinese investors are taking advantage of the EB-5 investment visa program, the so-called "green card via red Carpet, by putting millions into Florida's charter schools and aquaculture farm in Central Florida.                          read more

Kudos to the parent in Dunedin..
This is not the first time that Obama supporters have wound up in schools. But this is the first time the parent makes the difference. all you have to do is push back.     read more     

Florida Property Rights Bill...
We know we are all busy registering people to vote.  We know that voting is our primary concern
We know we must change the administration or America as we know it will cease to exist.
We know we are burned out...but the Evil ruining America will not stop. They come at us from every direction to keep us off guard to ware us down. Now is the time we must come together as Americans and multi-task like we have never done before.

Look what they are up to now.....

Florida Forever owns/controls enough land costing the Florida taxpayer billions yearly.We must Stop Florida Forever and the artificial land grabs.
Florida Forever will have 2000 people at the poles for a petition drive to get more money to buy more land.

We MUST do the SAME
Print the Bill, located on in the anti-agenda21 legislation section

Take it with you.  There is no better ice breaker than protection of Property Rights.  It crosses the isle.
OBAMA / NELSON are for Florida Forever and the "elimination of Private Property for the good of the collective."

Use the petition to talk to your neighbor and tell them how important it is to vote.
Take the petition wherever you go. Take the petition to the poles.
Fax signature pages to 850-303-0029
or scan

Florida Bio Diversity Map

Send this email to everyone you know and tell them to become an AgEnder. The goal of the UN is you land....Get our free newsletter on

Something happening in your neighborhood?  Send articles to:

Your legislators won't represent you if they don't hear from you.
Go to meetings, write to papers, answer blogs, facebook, tweet
Call radio stations, stop political correctness, talk about politics and religion. Stop being the silent majority.

Let your voice be heard. Order Gadsden post cards
Too many AgEnders are unemployed. Donate any amount to help pay for stamps and cards.

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