Saturday, June 16, 2012

6/16/2012 - Strange messages from strangers...

E-mailed them back, all of them, said I didn't know who they were.

 From: chanah hall
Date: Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 12:19 AM
Subject: Hadol and Chucks on Sling
To: Beth Miriam Rose
Cc: Linney Sell Frank, Valerie Keartes-CARE HANAH, "", Stephanie Shoemaker-HANNA CARE, betsy hartzell- HANNA CARE, Glenda King-HANNA CARE, Shanti Shivani, "", "", kaseja wilder-HANNA CARE, R Hinson

HI Everyone,

Two things:

1.  Remember to put a chuck on top of Hanna's wheelchair sling before she gets into it.  This is especially important to do if you are going to leave her in bed with the sling under her. Personally, I think that if we can always take it out from under her when she is in bed it is more comfortable for her and there is less chance of it getting dirty.  Tonight when Susanna and I were rolling Hanna over to get it it out from under her (it had been there a few hours) she had a BM in the process and because there was no chuck on it it was a big mess on the sling, and we had to roll her  to get it out which spread it farther. It was a big clean up job you want to avoid- take home message- 

a) Always have chuck on top of sling
b) Always roll Hanna off the sling once she has been transfered to bed with it.

2.  You may have noticed the new Hadol bottle has an eye dropper inside of it which doesn't read as previous ones- it's lowest measurement is .05 mg, which was confusing for some of us to begin with, but this is actually the same as .25 ml and therefore the correct dose for her. Check every time you administer it to make sure you have it right as the next bottle may revert to milliliters.

That's all, thanks! Chanah

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