Thursday, August 4, 2011

8/4/2011 - Now I'm buying a phone!

I actually owned (or got from my company) a Blackberry Storm when they first came out. Complete piece of shit device. Overall one of the most disappointing, crippled, useless pieces of technology I have ever experienced. In the interest of helping me out, I'm not going to respond to this e-mail.

from Alwyn Ashton

to martin [dot] brennan [at] gmail [dot] com

date Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 11:46 AM

subject Pictures of Blackberry Storm

hide details 11:46 AM (54 minutes ago)


Please find attached the pictures as requested. Sorry they aren’t very good, with the reflection, it is difficult to capture the screen. The phone is in excellent condition and I am only selling it as I have been given a company mobile and have no need for 2 phones.

Thank you


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