Monday, July 18, 2005

7/18/2005 - An auspicious beginning...

This is it, the first mail I got for another Michael Brennan. I'm now at over 190 saved messages in 4 years, and I'm sure I've deleted a few of them. Anyway, I don't think this guy ever became mayor, but it looks like he got appointed to something , and the website linked below is dead, perhaps if they had been sending mail to people in Cleveland, the chances of being elected would have risen:

From: Debra Gilbert
Date: Jul 18, 2005 8:04 AM

My name is Rick Gilbert, I have been asked to be the volunteer coordinator for "TRIOZZI FOR MAYOR", I am honored to do this as I have known Bob for many years and he will be an excellent mayor.
As of today one-hundred nineteen people have pledged to volunteer in the quest to have Robert Triozzi elected the next mayor of Cleveland and we need your help. We need three hours per week from our volunteers to staff the events, circulate petetions, march in parades, and staff campaign headquarters. I got involved because I DO NOT WANT FOUR MORE YEARS OF EMPTY PROMISES , so its time to go to work. I will be posting an e-mail to all volunteers and phone calls on Sunday evenings with a schedule of the following two weeks events , this will allow everyone to plan ahead. The schedules will have blanks please fill in the names of all who can help and return e-mail to me. If in your travels you meet people wishing to help give them my phone number or . If anyone needs to contact me you have my e-mail address and my phone number is (216) 513-2722.

Thanl You for your help and dedication,

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