Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2/24/2010 - I'm disgusted with the British Government

Evidently I'm still dealing with issues with the British government on a high level. I'm quite disgusted with the whole mess:

from Barrett, Jon
"Barrett, Jon"
cc (Yes, this is you.) Learn more,
date Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:17 PM
subject Recent corrrespondence
hide details 3:17 PM (20 hours ago)

Dear Christine,

Thank you for your correspondence of 23rd February. Please excuse my replying by e-mail but this is a quicker and easier way to address this issue and draw it to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties but first and foremost the people we serve.

As I am certain you are aware I have had an exchange of correspondence with Andrew regarding this matter and I am sure he will not mind my copying to this e-mail response to the initial concerns that had been raised with him by way of setting some important context.

I am very concerned by the contents of your letter and in particular that you have received a number of calls from constituents being advised by our advisers at the Chester office 'we cannot see you for six weeks, get in touch with your MP'. This horrifies me and suggests that that those people who come to our organisations for help are being used as pawns to serve other people's agendas.

In Andrew's last letter he recommended a review of the changes and the impact thereof as well as suggesting a meeting between yourselves and representatives of our organisation.

I can confirm that it has always been scheduled to review the changes and that this review is set for April. I suggest that a meeting between ourselves has a greater urgency than that and would welcome such as soon as is mutually convenient. I have copied Michael Brennan (Director of Bureaux Services) and Jason Bishop (Community Services Manager) and by copy am asking them to liaise with Andrew and yourself to arrange a suitable time to meet.

I look forward to meeting as soon as possible and ensuring that all parties are appraised of the complete situation here and comfortable that the people we help come first as far as funding permits.

Should you wish to discuss any matter more urgently please do not hesitate to contact me at any time on 07968-422558.

Many thanks,


Jon Barrett
Commercial Director
Liverpool John Moores University

Michael, Jason,

Andrew and Christine can ordinarily only make Fridays, I will be abroad until Mon 15th March but could make 19th, 26th Mar or 2,9th Apr on all four occasions from 5pm onwards. I suggest arrange the meeting for the five of us and then we can see if Val and another trustee can join us - Les or Wendy might be obvious choices due to the initiation of the volunteer forum and the involvement in the Chester issue respectively.


Here is the text of a letter that was attached to the e-mail:

Mr Andrew Miller MP
House of Commons
20th January 2010


Dear Mr Miller,

Thank you for your correspondence of 7th January. My apologies for the delay in responding, unfortunately the letter took some time to make its way back to my address.

I am very disturbed by your letter and the e-mail to which it refers. I too provide my services on a voluntary basis as do all of my fellow trustees and many others within Cheshire West CAB.

A small group of volunteers at the Chester bureau raised concerns to the management team and to me directly about proposed changes to service delivery in August last year. These concerns were treated very seriously by the management team, the Board and NACAB representatives. The proposed changes were entirely in line with National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (NACAB) policy and in the best interests of those who use the CAB service.

NACAB representatives met with the staff (paid and volunteer) to explain the proposed changes and to listen to all views. I also arranged an open meeting with the entire management team and Board at Chester where all views could be expressed and considered.

NACAB, the CWCAB Board, the management team and the vast majority of paid staff and volunteers fully approve of the changes and fully embrace them.

A small group of volunteers in the Chester bureau have continued to object to the changes.

Sadly there has been some unacceptable behaviour by a few during this episode and that has been the subject of formal procedures – there are still some potential issues outstanding. You will appreciate that it is not appropriate for me to discuss these in this letter.

I would be very happy to discuss the e-mail you have received in more detail on the telephone at a time to suit you. My contact telephone number is 07968-422558 (if you wish to contact me again by letter please have no hesitation in using my home address: ‘Cobwebs’, Woodlands Close, Cotebrook, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 9DU.

Yours Sincerely

Jon Barrett

Chair Cheshire West CAB Ltd

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